When you buy a ring online, you must ensure that you order the correct ring size according to the supplier. Having a good look at the websites of many jewellery stores, we have noticed that there seems to be no accurate standard on which they...
Girls Ring
Looking for a Girls ring? All girls love to dress up maybe to look and feel more grown up. There’s no need to be left out and you can find many rings here for girls of all ages. For children’s adjustable rings and other costume jewellery Claires Accessories has the best selection. Check out the latest by clicking the picture above.
For other more expensive examples, see our selected pages below to purchase a ring that can last forever.
Why do some rings turn your fingers green?
It’s a well known fact that some cheap rings will turn your fingers green. But what about those made of sterling silver or gold? It can occasionally happen with more expensive rings and other jewellery. Read this informative article to find out the reason why...
Cleaning Tips and caring for your rings
In case you are wondering how to look after your ring, we have included a few cleaning tips and notes on how to take care of your jewellery. The best way to keep your rings and other jewellery in tip top condition is to clean...
Turquoise- The Birthstone for December
Turquoise, the birthstone for December, is believed to possess great metaphysical healing powers. This opaque gemstone has been extremely popular for many centuries with Egyptian, Tibetan and Native American cultures. The fascination attached to the stone has continued down through the centuries and it has...
Birthstones-A tradition dating back many centuries.
In many cultures around the world, certain gems are assigned to each person according to their date of birth. It is believed that these birthstones correspond with the person’s nature and/or assist in protection. This practice has been apparent in Indian Aruveydic philosophy for at least...
Forever Yours Eternity Ring-Special offer until December 31st
At Tru Diamonds you can buy this lovely Forever Yours Eternity Ring at £48 and Droplet Earrings at £39 when bought with another item! INCLUDING a cleaning kit absolutely FREE! This is a limited time introductory offer that’s valid till 31 December 2018! This ring...
Our Top 5 Online Ring Stores | A Great Selection of Rings from Ringmania.
We would like to introduce our selection of the top 5 online ring stores. All the companies featured below, will ship internationally and have a 30 day refund policy. We have also included a small selection of products displayed with each supplier. This list is...
Rings | A great gift for friends and family | Buy online at Ringmania
Rings of every style and for any occasion are available to browse and buy online at Ringmania via our affiliates. First of all, please check out some of the categories that are featured on this site. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list...
Buying a diamond ring online at the Ringmania Online Ring Store
There are many advantages in buying a diamond ring online. First of all, you can relax in the comfort of your own home and view the many designs available. You literally have the whole world of diamond rings at your fingertips. You can also browse...
Celtic Rings | Buy now at the Ringmania Online Ring Store
Celtic rings are a perfect accessory for everyday use. They can be used for any occasion and have become a very popular choice for engagement rings and wedding bands. First of all let’s discover some of the history behind Celtic culture. The Celts Most people...