When you buy a ring online, you must ensure that you order the correct ring size according to the supplier. Having a good look at the websites of many jewellery stores, we have noticed that there seems to be no accurate standard on which they...
Armour Rings
Armour rings, as the name suggests resemble the type of armour such as that worn by medieval knights. Often made in sterling silver, an armour ring consists of several jointed pieces which coincide with the joints of the finger.
The style is very popular with the Gothic or alternative genre. Some armour rings can be very complex and might include chains and other links to additional rings or even a bracelet.
Check out the links below to find suppliers of Armour rings.
Cleaning Tips and caring for your rings
In case you are wondering how to look after your ring, we have included a few cleaning tips and notes on how to take care of your jewellery. The best way to keep your rings and other jewellery in tip top condition is to clean...
Our Top 5 Online Ring Stores | A Great Selection of Rings from Ringmania.
We would like to introduce our selection of the top 5 online ring stores. All the companies featured below, will ship internationally and have a 30 day refund policy. We have also included a small selection of products displayed with each supplier. This list is...
Rings | A great gift for friends and family | Buy online at Ringmania
Rings of every style and for any occasion are available to browse and buy online at Ringmania via our affiliates. First of all, please check out some of the categories that are featured on this site. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list...